Corporate Announcements
- Half Yearly Communication for the half year ended 31.03.2018
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th January, 2018
- Newspaper Notice for Election of Shareholder Director
- Outcome of Board Meeting held on 03.01.2018
- Payment of Interest on Bonds (INE457A09199)
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 03.01.2018
- Appointment of Statutory Central Auditors
- Strike on 27.12.2017 is deferred
- Notice of Strike on 27.12.2017
- Payment of Interest to Bondholders (INE457A08043)
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th December, 2017
- Analyst / Institutional Investors Meet on 22nd to 24th November, 2017
- Analyst / Institutional Investors Meet on 20th to 21st November, 2017
- Half Year Report for the period ended 30.09.2017
- Analyst / Institutional Investors Meet on 14th to 17th November, 2017
- Analyst / Institutional Investors Meet on 13th November, 2017
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th November, 2017
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 10.11.2017
- Payment of Interest on Bonds (INE457A09207)
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th October, 2017
- Payment of Interest on Bonds dated 03.10.2017
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th September, 2017
- Revision of Ratings_31.08.2017
- Revision of Ratings 31.08.2017
- Notice of Strike on 22nd August, 2017
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th August, 2017
- Redemption of IPDI Tier I Bonds (INE457A09124)
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 31.07.2017
- Redemption of Tier II Bonds (INE457A09116)
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th July, 2017
- Revision of Ratings
- Payment of Interest on Tier II Bonds (INE457A08035)
- Cessation of Director
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th June, 2017
- Appointment of Govt. Nominee Director
- Half Yearly Communication for the period ended 31.03.2017
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th May, 2017
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th April, 2017
- Notice of Specified date for Election of Shareholder Director
- Outcome of Board Meeting held on 04th May, 2017
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 04.05.2017
- Appointment of Executive Director
- Redemption of Tier II Bonds (INE457A09108)
- Redemption of Tier II Bonds (INE457A09090)
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 24.03.2017
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th March, 2017
- Notice of Strike on 28th February, 2017
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th February, 2017
- Notice of Strike on 07th February, 2017
- Payment of Interest on Tier II Bonds (INE457A09173)
- Payment of Interest on Tier II Bonds
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 31.01.2017
- Payment of Interest on AT1 Bonds
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th January, 2017
- Appointment of Statutory Central Auditors
- Issuance of AT1 Bonds
- Raising of Funds
- Revision of MCLR w.e.f 01.12.2016
- Cancellation of Analyst meet
- Schedule of Analyst meet
- Half Yearly Communication for the half year ended 30.09.2016
- Cessation of Director
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 05.11.2016
- Redemption of Bond
- Revision of Ratings
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 01.10.2016
- Intimation of Interest payment to Bondholders
- Appointment of MD & CEO
- Notice of Strike
- Cessation of Director
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.08.2016
- Notice of Strike
- Appointment of Director
- Reaffirmation of Credit Rating
- Notice for Dividend claim
- Notice of Strike on 13th July, 2016
- Raising of Capital
- Schedule of Analysts/ Institutional Investors Meet
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.05.2016
- Introduction of Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rates (MCLR) w.e.f 01st April, 2016
- Notice of Strike on 29th February, 2016
- Appointment of Director
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 10.02.2016
- Raising of Capital
- Strike notice by AIBEA
- Appointment of Statutory Central Auditors
- Revision in Ratings for the Bonds borrowing & COD of the Bank
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 04.11.2015
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.08.2015
- Notice of Change in Registrar & Transfer Agent
- Bank of Maharashtra Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information
- Bank of Maharashtra (Shares and Meetings) Regulations 2004
- Notice for Board Meeting
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 04.05.2018
- Redemption of Tier 2 Bonds (INE457A09132)
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th April, 2018
- Allotment of shares to GOI against Capital infusion of Rs.3173 crore in Bank
- Payment of Principal amount and Interest on redemption of AT1 Bonds
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th March, 2018
- Record date for redemption of Tier II Bonds (INE457A09132)
- Notice for Exercising call Option on Basel III Compliant AT1 bonds under Regulatory Event
- Information Memorandums for Regulatory call option
- Record date for call option of AT1 Bonds under Regulatory event
- Revision in Credit ratings
- Record date for call option of AT1 bonds
- Appointment of Chief Risk Officer
- Revised MCLR w.e.f 07th February, 2018
- Payment of Interest on Bonds (INE457A09173)
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 06.02.2018
- Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 31.01.2018
- Payment of Interest on Bonds (INE457A09125 and INE457A09132)