Non Fund Based Services
Bank of Maharashtra offers non fund based products to its clients as follows
- Letter of Credit : We offer import as well as domestic Letter of Credit facility to our clients for procurement of goods on DA/DP basis as per their needs at very competitive rates.
- Bank Guarantee : We offer Bank Guarantee facility to our clients guaranteeing their performance / financial obligations in the domestic as well as international market.
- LC Advising / Confirming Services : In case of Letters of Credit received by our clients, we offer LC advising as well as LC confirmation services.
- Bancassurance : Bank of Maharashtra has tie-up arrangement with United India Insurance Company (UIIC), Future Generali, etc. under which we arrange for issuance of general insurance policies to our clients thereby taking away their worries of timely and adequate insurance cover of the assets.
- Solvency Certificate : We provide Solvency Certificate to our clients in case it is required for providing to Government authorities, other corporates in business deals / bids etc.
- Credit Reports : We provide Credit Reports on our clients to other banks/FIs and we also obtain Credit information required by our clients on their counter parties, through our correspondent relationship.
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