Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Horticulture / Plantation Activities

Horticulture / Plantation Activities
Type of FacilityTerm Loan (TL)
PurposeCultivation of fruit crops-Mango, Pomegranate, Grapes, Guava etc
EligibilityAll persons engaged in raising fruit gardens, plantations and nursery crops as owners of land or permanent tenants or as lease holders (for reasonably long period).
AmountAs per NABARD/NHB Unit costs/ Project costs
  • Limit up to Rs 2.00 Lakh- NIL
  • Limit above Rs 2.00 Lakh-15% to 25%

(Depending upon purpose & quantum of finance)
Rate of Interest
Up to Rs.10.00 lakh : 1 Year MCLR + BSS@0.50% + 2.00% 
Above Rs.10.00 lakh : 1 Year MCLR +BSS@0.50%+ 3.00%
1) Up to Rs 2.00 lakh: Hypothecation of Crops/Plant Machinery to be purchased
2) Above Rs 2.00 lakh : 
a) Hypothecation of Crops/Plant Machinery to be purchased
b) Third Party Guarantee (Two) / Mortgage of land.
RepaymentWithin 7-15 years including gestation period. Coinciding with harvesting of crops/marketing of produce.
SubsidySubsidy for the eligible projects is available from NHB/NHM
Paper requirement
  1. Loan application ie Form No -138,&Enclosure – B2
    • All 7/12, 8 A, 6 D extracts, Chatu Sima of the applicant
    • No dues certificates of the applicant from surrounding financial institutions including PACS
    • Legal search from advocate on Bank’s panel for loans above Rs.1.60 lakh where land is to be mortgaged
    • Price quotations/ Plan estimates / Permissions etc. depending up on the purpose of loan
  2. Guarantee form F-138
    • All 7/12, 8 A & PACS dues certificate of the guarantors
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