Disclaimer for Bank Guarantee
- a) Bank Guarantees above Rs. 50,000/- issued in our bank will be duly signed by two authorised officials of the Bank. Bank Guarantees above Rs. 50,000/- in single signature are not valid.
- b) Confirmation of guarantees, if required will be issued only by respective Zonal office of the Bank. The list of Zonal office with address are available (Here)
- c) Our Bank Guarantees will be operative only after issuance of a covering letter to a nominated bank through Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) quoting Bank Guarantee Number, Applicant’s name, amount, name and address of beneficiary, expiry date of Bank Guarantee and claim date of Bank Guarantee, if any.
- d) Any Bank Guarantee without covering letter issued other than through SFMS will not be binding on the Bank.
- e) For any other issue related to Bank Guarantee, please contact to concerned official as given below.
Assistant General Manager,
Credit Department, Head office
Lokmangal,1501, Shivajinagar, Pune – 05
Landline: 020-25614 382 / 253
Email ID: agmcredit@mahabank.co.in