Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Positive Pay System

Key Features

As per the direction from RBI vide circular number RBI/2020-1/41/DPSS.CO.RPPD.No.309/04.07.2005/2020-21, issued on September 25th, 2020, Bank has introduced Positive Pay System (PPS).

Bank of Maharashtra (BOM) Customers are requested to provide key details of the cheque before handing over to the beneficiaries, so that Bank at the time of presentment for payment in CTS clearing (as well as at other than base branch of BOM) can pass the High Value cheques without any re-confirmation phone call by the base Branch.

W.e.f. 17.02.2022, is mandatory to provide the information for cheque having amount of Rs. 50,000/- & above for individual customers and Rs.5.00 lakhs & above for corporate customers at the time of issuing Cheques to beneficiary. The Customers providing PPS information will only be eligible to raise dispute in case of cheque frauds.

PPS Facility is available through internet Banking and through Branch. Customers can give the PPS instruction in writing in the format attached. Branches can access this portal through ULC > Positive Pay for Cheques Truncation System

There is no option for Modification or deletion of a registered confirmation in any mode because, modification/deletion could not take place once the data will be submitted to the server provided by the National Payment Corporation of India. However, customers can stop the payment of issued cheques at any point of time before its presentment / payment in CTS clearing or at counter.

  • Customers have to ensure maintain sufficient funds up to the presentment/payment of the issued cheque/s either confirmed or not.
  • Stale cheques (3 months older from date of confirmation) will not be accepted.
  • Any future date of the cheque will be accepted.

Application form is attached hereunder for the perusal of the customers in case Positive Pay confirmation has to be provided through Branch (any Branch of Bank of Maharashtra). Original confirmation form will only be accepted by the Branches during their Business Hours. Government Accounts are relaxed from providing original confirmation physically. Such confirmations can be accepted if scanned copy is shared through the registered email ID of the government department and reconfirmed by the officials of the base branch.

All the authorized signatories/signatory as per the operational instructions in the account have to sign the confirmation form for providing confirmation through any Branch in India. Scanned images, Fax, Xerox copy, email requests etc. will not be accepted by Branches except in Government accounts.

Net Banking: - Customers have to enter their log in credentials > select option > Payment/Transfer > Cheque positive pay system> A/c No. > Cheque No. > Cheque Date > Cheque Amount > Transaction Code> Drawee Bank Name > Drawee Bank Branch MICR Code > Payee Name> SAN> SUBMIT

By Branch visit: - Customers can provide their Positive Pay confirmation by personal visit to any of the BOM Branch in India. Customers have to provide the mandatory inputs over the prescribed application format (as attached hereunder). Customers are requested to provide their confirmations during the business hours of the respective branch.

Download PPS Customer form in - ENGLISH
