Maha Super Green Housing Loan Scheme- Green Building
Green Building is the practice of increasing the efficiency of buildings and their use of energy, water and materials and reducing building impacts on human health and environment, through better site location, design, construction, operation, maintenance and removal - the complete building life cycle. An effective Green Building can lead to:
- Reduced operating costs by increasing productivity and using less energy and water.
- Improved public and occupant health due to improved indoor air quality.
- Reduced environmental impacts.
Key Features
- No processing fees Under scheme
- Concession of 0.10 % in the applicable ROI of Maha Super Housing Loan scheme subject to minimum floor Rate.
- Quick Sanction to approved Green Projects
S. No | Particulars | Scheme guidelines | ||||||||
1 | Nature of facility | Term Loan | ||||||||
2 | Name of the scheme | Maha Super Green Housing Loan Scheme | ||||||||
3 | Eligible Projects | Housing Project Should be certified / Rated from following approved Rating agencies. 1. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system from LEED India. LEED® Certification Levels
2. India Green Building Council (IGBC). Certification Levels
Housing projects of other than above rating agencies can be considered, subject to agencies should be approved by Municipal corporation of the district authorized for granting certification of Green Projects. | ||||||||
4 | Scope of the Scheme |
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5 | Purpose |
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6 | Eligibility |
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7 | Margin & LTV norms | Loan to value (LTV) ratio: -
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8 | Repayment | Maximum Repayment period of 30 years or on borrower reaching the age of 75 years whichever is earlier | ||||||||
9 | Deduction Norms | For Salaried individuals. Up to 80% based on latest Gross monthly income For Non-Salaried IndividualsUp to 80% based on average annual income | ||||||||
10 | Rate of Interest | Concession of 0.10% in applicable ROI in regular Maha Super Housing Loan scheme. | ||||||||
11 | Processing Fee | Nil |