Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Closed Openings

Recruitment of Internal Ombudsman on Contract Basis Project 2022-23

Recruitment of Chief Information Security Officer ( CISO) Project 2021-22


Recruitment of Specialist Officers in Scale I & II Project 2021-22

Recruitment of Generalist Officers in Scale II (Project 2) 2021-22

List of Allotment : CRP PO IX & VIII Reserve List

List of Allotment : CRP CLK IX & VIII Reserve List

Recruitment of Specialist Officers in Scale - II (Information Technology Department) - Project 2020-21:

Recruitment of Generalist Officers in Scale - II and Scale - III (Project 2019-20):

Empanelment of Concurrent Auditors FY 2021-22: 

Empanelment of Concurrent Auditors: 

Recruitment of Specialist Officers 2019:

Recruitment of Law Officers in Scale II 2019-20:

Recruitment of Information Technology Officers in Scale-I & Scale-II:

Recruitment of Chartered Accountants / Cost & Management Accountants in Scale - I – Project 2018-19:

Recruitment of Treasury Officers / Personnel Officers / Economists:

Recruitment of Probationary Officer/Clerks Project CWE-VI for Year 2017-18

List of Documents to be brought completely filled in for Document Verification for PO CWE VI 

List of Documents to be brought completely filled in for Document Verification for Clerical CWE VI

Recruitment of Probationary Officer/Clerks Project CWE-V for Year 2016-17

List of Documents to be brought completely filled in for Document Verification for PO CWE V Reserve list

List of Documents to be brought completely filled in for Document Verification for Clerical CWE V Reserve list

Recruitment of Officers and Clerks - New

List of Documents to be submitted by New officers

  1. Instruction for Candidates
  2. Self Declaration Form
  3. Medical Report
  4. Officer Security Bond
  5. Guidelines for Filling NPS Form
  6. CSRF 1 -NPS Form for New Employees
  7. ISS-1 NPS Forms for Shifting of Pran to BOM
  8. Staff Inventory Proforma
  9. Affidavit / Declaration from candidates belonging to OBC Category
  10. Forwarding Letter to Police Department and Reply from Police Department
  11. Forwarding Letter to Caste Verification Authority (For to Reserved Category Candidates Only)
  12. Checklist

Note: If links does not open in Internet Explorer browser please use the Google Chrome browser.

Recruitment of Clerks Project CWE-CL-V for Year 2016-17

  1. Message for candidates provisionally allotted by IBPS to BOM
  2. Roll No.s & Name of Candidates allotted by IBPS to BOM
  3. Intimation and Annexure 1 & Annexure 2

Recruitment of Probationary Officers Project CWE-PO/MT-V Year 2016-17

  1. Message for candidates provisionally allotted by IBPS to BOM
  2. Roll No.s & Name of Candidates allotted by IBPS to BOM
  3. Intimation to Candidates
  4. Annexure-1
  5. Annexure-2

Recruitment of Specialist officers Project CWE-SPL-IV Reserve List for Year 2015-16

  1. Message for candidates provisionally allotted by IBPS to BOM
  2. Roll No.s & Name of Candidates allotted by IBPS to BOM
  3. Intimation to Candidates
  4. Annexure-1

Recruitment of Probationary Officers Project CWE-PO/MT-IV Reserve List for Year 2015-16

  1. Message for candidates provisionally allotted by IBPS to BOM
  2. Roll No.s & Name of Candidates allotted by IBPS to BOM
  3. Intimation to Candidates
  4. Annexure-1
  5. Annexure-2

Recruitment of Clerks Project CWE-CL-IV Reserve List for Year 2015-16

  1. Message for candidates provisionally allotted by IBPS to BOM
  2. Roll No.s & Name of Candidates provisionally allotted by IBPS to BOM

Recruitment of Chief Customer Service Officer ( Internal Ombudsman) Project 2015-16

  1. Result

Appointment of Consultant Doctor at Head office, Pune

  1. Advertisement
  2. Application form
  3. Code of Conduct

Recruitment of Specialist Officer Project CWE-IV Year 2015-16

  1. Instructions for Candidates
  2. List of Candidates provisionally alloted to Bank of Maharashtra by IBPS
  3. Message for candidates selected as Specialist Officers

Empanelment of Faculty in Training Centers

  1. Advertisement
  2. Format of application form

Recruitment of Probationary Officers Project CWE-IV Year 2015-16

  1. Instructions for Candidates
  2. List of Candidates provisionally alloted to Bank of Maharashtra by IBPS
  3. Message for candidates selected as Probationary Officers

Recruitment of Clerks Project CWE- IV Year 2015-16

  1. Instructions for Candidates
  2. List of Candidates provisionally alloted to Bank of Maharashtra by IBPS
  3. Message for Candidates selected as Clerks

Chartered Accountants Recruitment Project 2014-15

  1. For the information of Candidates Applied For CA Post 2014-15
  2. Revised List of Shortlisted Applicants for the Group Discussion / Interview for the Post of CA Recruitment Project 2014-15
  3. Final List of Eligible Candidate for Group Discussion and Interview to be conducted from 24.08.2015 to 27.08.2015 for CA Post under CA Recruitment Project 2014-15
  4. Instructions for the Shortlisted Candidates
  5. Call Letter for Group Discussions and Interview for the Post of Charter Accountant in Scale II under CA Project 2014-15
  6. Format for Caste Certificate for SC/ST Candidates
  7. Format for Caste Certificate for OBC Candidates
  8. Format for Medical Certificate for Physically Challenged Candidates
  9. Final Result of Chartered Accountants Recruitment Project 2014-15

List of Documents to be submitted by New officers

  1. Instruction 
  2. Self Declaration
  3. Medical Report Form
  4. Affidavit / Declaration from candidates belonging to OBC Category
  5. Forwarding Letter to Police Department and Reply from Police Department
  6. Forwarding Letter to Caste Verification Authority (For to Reserved Category Candidates Only)
  7. Staff Inventory Proforma
  8. CS-S1 Subscriber Registration Form
  9. ISS-1 & CS-S3 Forms for Shifting of Pran to BOM
  10. MMGS-II-Officer Security Bond
  11. List of Zonal offices

Recruitment of Company Secretary - 2014 (for Scale II and III)

  1. Result

Recruitment of Specialist Officers 2013-14(Principal, Faculty, Law Officer, Security Officer)

Recruitment of Economist Scale - IV & Manager Costing Scale - II

Recruitment of Chief Customer Service Officer (Internal Ombudsman)


Recruitment of CA,Cost Management, Treasury Dealer(Domestic,Forex),Economist,Manager Costing – 2018

Recruitment of Chief Financial Officer & Chief Technology Officer on Contract Basis/Permanent Basis - 2018

Recruitment of Chief Risk Officer(GM) - 2018

List of Provisionally selected Candidates for the Post of Electrical Engineer

List of Provisionally selected Candidates for the Post of Civil Engineer and Fire Engineer

List of Candidates made ineligible for the post of - Electrical Engineer / Fire Engineer / Civil Engineer

Recruitment of CM Balance Sheet

Recruitment of CM Project Appraisal

Recruitment of HR Officers

Recruitment of IT Officers

Short listed Candidates For Document Verification and Personal Interview - Electrical Engineer / Fire Engineer / Civil Engineer

Final Result for the Post of Principal Staff Training College on Contract Basis

List of Documents to be bought while coming for Document Verification / Interview/ Joining

Acceptance of Offer Of Employment for Clerks-6 Months Course 2016-17

Final Result for the Post of Chief Financial Officer/ Chief Technical Officer

Short listed Candidates For Document Verification and Personal Interview - Principal Of Staff Training College

Final Result for the Post of Security Officers / Risk Management Officers / CM Balance Sheet / CM Taxation / CA

Short listed Candidates For Document Verification and Personal Interview - Chartered Accountant Officers

Short listed Candidates For Document Verification and Personal Interview - Balance sheet and Taxation Officers

Short listed Candidates For Document Verification and Personal Interview - Recruitment Of Risk Management Officers

Short listed Candidates For Group Discussion and Interview - Recruitment Of Security Officers

Third & Final List Of Candidates For Document Verification - Officers JMGS - I (PGDBF) - 2016-17

Second List Of Candidates For Document Verification Under 6 Months Course - Clerks Recruitment - 2016-17

Recruitment of Specialist Officers in CM Balance Sheet, CM Taxation, Chartered Accountant, Civil Engineer , Electrical Engineer , Fire Engineer

Third List Of provisionally shortlisted candidates for offer letter to attend PO - PGDBF Course under Recruitment of Probationary Officers 2016-2017

Third List Of provisionally shortlisted candidates for willingness letter to attend PO - PGDBF Course under Recruitment of Probationary Officers 2016-2017

Second provisional offer letter to attend training to the candidates in Recruitment of Sales Assistants(Clerks) with 6 Month Certification Course 2016-2017

Second provisional willingness to attend training to the candidates in Recruitment of Sales Assistants(Clerks) with 6 Month Certification Course 2016-2017

Recruitment of Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technical Officer & Principal of Staff Training College Project 2017-18

(Commence of date of on-line application : 12.08.2017)

(Last Date of online application : 02.09.2017)

Recruitment of Risk Management Officers Project 2017-18

(Commence of date of on-line application : 12.08.2017)

(Last Date of online application: 02.09.2017)

Recruitment of Security Officers Project 2017-18

(Commence of date of on-line application : 12.08.2017)

(Last Date of online application : 02.09.2017)

Recruitment of Clerks Project CWE-CL-V for Year 2016-17

Recruitment of PO/MTs from CWE-PO/MTs-V for Year 2016-17

Recruitment of Probationary Officers Project CWE-PO/MT-IV- Reserve List for Year 2015-16

Recruitment of Specialist Officers Project CWE-SPL-IV Reserve List for Year 2015-16

Recruitment of Clerks Project CWE-CL-IV Reserve List for Year 2015-16

Recruitment of Specialist Officers Project CWE - IV Year 2015-16

Roll No. & Marks of Selected Candidates -

Recruitment of Probationary Officers Project CWE - IV Year 2015-16

Recruitment of Clerks Project CWE - IV Year 2015-16
